Do you believe in telepathy?

I do.  It’s strong in the women in my family and within some of my friends.  Mom says the entire time my sister and I were in college we always called her within 30 minutes of each other.  Since we are not frequent callers, I find the odds of that being a coincidence a little thin.  I can remember how many times she said, “I was just talking to your sister!”

I have one friend whose talent for many years was to call me when I was in the necessary.  If it had been the bad old days of long distance, I could have teased her that she just wanted me to call her back on my nickel, but honestly, she was still living local for most of that.  She also has amazing parking karma.

My college roommate was on the phone with a friend.  What she was going to say as they ended the phone call was, “I’ll be right over.”  What came out was, “I’ll be there as soon as I check on Susan.”  She was really startled by that, but decided she better go check on me.  I’d gone horseback riding that morning without her, not a common occurrence, as we usually rode together.  I’d gotten into a bit of difficulty with an English saddle on a very round horse who’d managed to throw his borrowed bridle off while we were riding.  He tried to run away with me, but I’d managed to slow him by pulling on the bridle which was now around his neck, then I bailed off of him.  The minute I touched the ground, he stopped.  He was well trained, but just trying to pull one on me.  I got the bridle back on him, adjusted it, but then I couldn’t get back on him.  Every time I tried, the saddle just spun around his barrel chest and his side stepping didn’t help.  I was frustrated and more than a little put out with the horse.  This was what Cindy had picked up and she managed to find me, still a mile or more from the barn, and give me a hand.  Actually, she rode the horse back to the barn so I didn’t “kill him” and I drove her truck.  By the time she got there I’d calmed down and was able to groom him.

My favorite story, however, happened when I was in high school.  I was coming home from Pasadena during rush hour in a drizzly rain on Spencer Highway when an SUV pulled in front of me and I hit it.  A fender bender, but my first accident.  I was pretty shaken and this guy was trying to overwhelm me with force of will.  We got the cars off the road and into the parking lot of a little dry cleaners.  The other driver called the police.  Then I called home.  Now, my mom is Miss Phone Etiquette.  For years we’d had grilled into us how to make calls, take calls, etc.  That day when she picked up the phone, before I’d said anything, she said, “Where are you?”  Almost shocked me worse than the car accident.

[FYI–the other driver insisted on talking to the police first, and condemned himself by saying he’d pulled out from a stop sign in front of me on the four-lane highway.  Officer said, “You’re at fault.  She had right of way.”  “But she hit me!”  “Sorry.  She had right of way.”  The officer winked at me, got the necessary info from my car for the incident report, and that was that.]

I’ve had more incidents than that over the years, but that’s a good start and I’ve already hit 600 words (how handy that this software counts for me!).  I’ll save other psychic phenomena for another time.  But what about you?  Any good stories about telepathy that have happened in your life?

About Susan

I am a woman of strong opinion. You can listen or not, but I expect everyone to play nice and respect everyone else's right to have their own opinions. I was never much of a diarist, and I plan for this to be less about my life and more about my observations and information sharing. So let's not call this a "blog," which is a word I find a bit repellent.
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