Lightning v. FSM

Here’s my wicked humor again. I was driving to church this morning and noticed the beautiful artwork on the tailgate of the black pickup truck ahead of me. It was a lot of spidery threads of silver lightning limned in violet joining in the center in kind of a loose transluscent ball.  It was very beautiful.

I’m sure the truck’s owner was going for a sign of great power.

What I saw was…the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Internal jukebox matches the external music: A Caricature of a Sunday School Song.  My choir director/church organist is practicing it.  Imagine Jesus Loves Me on the calliope.  I absolutely love it!

About Susan

I am a woman of strong opinion. You can listen or not, but I expect everyone to play nice and respect everyone else's right to have their own opinions. I was never much of a diarist, and I plan for this to be less about my life and more about my observations and information sharing. So let's not call this a "blog," which is a word I find a bit repellent.
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