I came across this wonderful YouTube post today. There is nothing unsafe about the visual. However, it is NOT work safe in the audio. As an additional warning, I was totally unable to watch it without letting out a loud peal of laughter, which might be inappropriate for your workplace.
For those who would like a little additional ammunition in the “War on Women,” I offer you Hands Off My Clam.
Thanks to Ms Juanita Jean and the girls at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. for bringing this to my attention.
Internal Jukebox has been stuck on music from “Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity” for most of the week, until I heard this.
Great video! Thanks for sharing. I’m sending this to friends. Her performance of “I’m a Middle Aged Women” is awesome. Check it out! http://youtu.be/3tMyNhTAFoU