Fitness Assessments for Texas Students

I got an email from the American Heart Association (Austin chapter) today. They are concerned about the possible sunset of a law requiring a Fitnessgram Assessment of Texas students. It’s an annual physical fitness assessment. Individual results are private, but the raw data is available to study the connection between good health, better behavior, and high academic achievement. It also helps identify statewide trends in obesity rates.

There’s an online letter, if you prefer to do things electronically. It can be found here. Handwritten letters carry more power, if you are so moved.

The local American Heart Association will also have several days where they go to lobby our Legislators on this issue at the Capitol. If you are interested in helping, or in getting on their mailing list, please get in touch with Brian Bowser at

About Susan

I am a woman of strong opinion. You can listen or not, but I expect everyone to play nice and respect everyone else's right to have their own opinions. I was never much of a diarist, and I plan for this to be less about my life and more about my observations and information sharing. So let's not call this a "blog," which is a word I find a bit repellent.
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