Tag Archives: abortion
How to block abortions without making them illegal
The state of Mississippi has only one abortion clinic. Just one. Lawmakers who want even that one closed may have found a way to do it. First, they passed a series of laws that were so difficult to comply with … Continue reading
How can they be so ignorant?
Rep. Joe Walsh told reporters on October 18, 2012 that there should be no exceptions to a “no abortion” law. “There is no such exception as life of the mother, and as far as health of the mother, same thing”…” … Continue reading
Whose life is more important?
A woman has died in Ireland because she was refused an abortion for a baby she was already miscarrying. She went into a hospital on Sunday with terrible back pain. She was 17 weeks pregnant and the doctors told her … Continue reading
A matter of priorities
[This article discusses abortion issues. If this offends you, please skip this one.] In the Dominican Republic, there is a 16-year-old girl dying of acute leukemia. She has become the center of a horrible controversy. The doctors want to treat … Continue reading