President Obama was born in the United States of America. Get over it.

I am so tired of folks getting press for a conspiracy theory regarding the birth of President Obama.  He was born in Hawaii.  It was a state of the Union when he was born.  Heck, it was a state of the Union when I was born (I’m 20 months older than he is).  It was announced in his family’s local paper when he was born.  Certification has been provided.

Why is this a story?  Why is the Fourth Estate not ignoring this and refusing to print/broadcast any more about it?  It’s making them look like idiots to keep flogging this dead horse.  It’s already inherently obvious that the people who keep bringing it up are either idiots or intentionally ignorant (which is worse).

About Susan

I am a woman of strong opinion. You can listen or not, but I expect everyone to play nice and respect everyone else's right to have their own opinions. I was never much of a diarist, and I plan for this to be less about my life and more about my observations and information sharing. So let's not call this a "blog," which is a word I find a bit repellent.
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