Author Archives: Susan
RIP Ray Bradbury
My 8th Grade math teach read the Martian Chronicles to us (yes, I said math; long story). That was the start of my love of science fiction. Having moved on to other authors, it’s been decades since I read his … Continue reading
Sad information regarding Duchess Sieglinde Syr/Nancy Goforth
Sue Moon just posted the following on Facebook: Duchess Sieglinde Syr/Nancy Goforth has advanced cancer and is now in Hospice. If you are not friends with Sue on FB and need contact info, let me know. They are asking that … Continue reading
God’s Humor
This was received in e-mail from the husband of my college roommate: While creating women, God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. And then He smiled and made the earth … Continue reading
Transit of Venus this evening (5 June)
Transit of Venus tonight. Venus will cross the face of the Sun with respect to the Earth starting a little after 5 p.m. Central Daylight Time (Austin, TX). UT is opening the rooftop of one building for viewing with the … Continue reading
A Rant about Grammar and Punctuation, Part 2: The Apostrophe
In the English language, the apostrophe (‘) is used for three things: Marking a word as possessive (Nancy’s cup) Marking missing letters in a contraction (is not – isn’t) And, rarely, marking the plural of something that is not a … Continue reading
Bugs and Features
When I got married, and my husband and I moved into our new home, we had a bulletin board near the kitchen for random stuff. One of the first things he posted was photocopied cartoon drawing of a bug, shaped … Continue reading
President Obama was born in the United States of America. Get over it.
I am so tired of folks getting press for a conspiracy theory regarding the birth of President Obama. He was born in Hawaii. It was a state of the Union when he was born. Heck, it was a state of … Continue reading
Dangerous Misleading Rhetoric
This is a full-page ad printed in Lafayette, LA’s Advertiser. When you look at this ad (click the picture to see a larger image), what do you think is being sold or promoted? Looks like hate, fear, and misinformation to … Continue reading
Teaching Creationism
Teaching creationism/intelligent design instead of evolution in schools. I don’t feel this is sensible. It happened to a friend of mine who went to a parochial private school. When they got to that part of the natural sciences course on … Continue reading